
Suits are one of the things Hornets 'does'

We've recently had in eight bespoke English suits, a collection of over twenty Brioni suits, two Billionaire Couture suits, a velvet suit, a wicked large bold check tweed suit, five other tweed suits, two of them with breeches and a Keepers Tweed suit. I mention these to show how varied and stylish our range is.

We also carry Vintage suits.

We have a steady stream of bespoke, classic,  modern, vintage and designer suits ( all of which we are justly famed for ) coming in all the time.

Simon Davis writing about Hornets in the Evening Standard.

I know a man who knows more about suits than anybody I've ever met


My favourite suit was a three-piece chalk stripe Huntsman. It fitted me so beautifully, as if I was poured into it.

The pants were cut very high, military style. The waist coat had small lapels. As I am tall and was slim in those days, I looked fantastic.

Bill Hornets in The Wall Street Journal

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